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Table 4 Statistically significant correlations between characteristics and intestinal parasites

From: Health inequities: lower socio-economic conditions and higher incidences of intestinal parasites


Overall parasites


Positive n (%)

Negative n (%)

p value

Socio-demographic characteristics



Shanty area (n = 79)

32 (40.5)

47 (59.5)


City (n = 208)

57 (24.4)

151 (72.6)


Education of mother


Uneducated/primary school Incomplete (n = 63)

29 (46.0)

34 (54.0)


Primary school (n = 94)

36 (38.3)

58 (61.7)


High school and more (n = 127)

25 (19.7)

102 (80.3)


Father's social statusa


High (n = 136)

27 (19.9)

109 (80.1)


Low (n = 119)

54 (45.4)

65 (54.6)


Mother's employment


Employed (n = 214)

79 (36.9)

135 (63.1)


Unemployed (n = 79)

12 (15.2)

67 (84.8)




9 (n = 100)

30 (30.0)

70 (70.0)


10 (n = 120)

30 (25.0)

90 (75.0)


11–12 (n = 74)

31 (41.9)

43 (58.1)


Housing conditions

Each student has his/her own bedroom


Yes (n = 130)

25 (19.2)

105 (80.8)


No (n = 161)

66 (41.0)

95 (59.0)


Number of person living in house


≤4 (n = 47)

8 (17.0)

39 (83.0)


>4 (n = 247)

83 (33.6)

164 (66.4)


Number of brother/sister


≤2 (n = 178)

38 (21.3)

140 (78.7)


>2 (n = 116)

53 (45.7)

63 (54.3)


Drinking water


Treated (n = 88)

14 (15.9)

74 (84.1)


Untreated (n = 200)

76 (38.0)

124 (62.0)


Washbasin in toilet


Yes (n = 215)

53 (24.7)

162 (75.3)


No (n = 75)

37 (49.3)

38 (50.7)


Hygienic habits

Washing hands (n = 293)


Only water

52 (37.4)

87 (62.6)


With soap and water

38 (24.7)

116 (75.3)

  1. aThe indicators of father's social status: Low social level: unemployment, working at unqualified jobs, working at temporary jobs. High social level: employee, employer, employee based on high wage, craftsman