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Table 4 The educational process for active aging: Qualitative analysis

From: Program of active aging in a rural Mexican community: a qualitative approach



Mature individuals learn only what they want to learn.

The interest in learning is permeated by the personal life store of the older person as well as by interests and motivations of the individual at a given moment in their lives: "I always wanted to become a health promoter, now I have been able to reach that dream."


Participants were selective with regard to the knowledge they received as a function of their expectancies, motives and intentions. For some of them practical matters represented their main learning objectives whereas for others theoretical contents were more readily appropriated.

Mature individuals learn only what they are capable of learning.

Previous education was a strong determinant of academic achievement. Hence, those participants with primary school education showed more difficulties both in the integration of theoretical contents and in answering exams. Those with access to higher education were more active during the teaching-learning process: "I taught mathematics in secondary school, I have always been restless and I like to keep on learning".

Mature individuals learn mainly what they teach themselves.

Older persons assume the responsibility of their own learning. It was found that the best pedagogical approach with older persons was to promote self-learning as a way to appropriate knowledge. "I have been doing my homework ... I have gone back to my book as many times as necessary ... sometimes I forget things but I check in my book".

Mature individuals learn mainly in terms of their experience.

Older individuals hold deeply rooted cultural perceptions of learning. In this sample was observed a tendency towards passiveness and defensiveness. However, the use of instructional strategies focused on the enforcement of participation and on the discussion of individual experiences proved extremely helpful to overcome those reactions. "I want to speak about my own experience. Your pedagogical experience [that of the researchers] was crucial for meeting our educational objectives ... thanks for being with us ...".