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Table 1 Case Studies selected for inclusion

From: 'Issues of equity are also issues of rights': Lessons from experiences in Southern Africa



1. Treatment Access for HIV: Struggles in Southern Africa (TAC and the Pan African Movement)

The case study illustrates numerous aspects relevant to equity and human rights, as well as providing an example of a successful civil society mobilisation. It raises issues of both legal and advocacy approaches to rights; it touches directly on equity in resource-poor environments; it raises health system concerns; the material is easily available; its lessons may be relatively easy to generalise even if the struggle's successes are not; the relationship between civil society mobilisation and the state/its policy choices will be obvious.

2. Patients' Rights Charters (South Africa, Malawi and Zimbabwe)

Patients' Rights Charters are a commonly used model for promoting the right to health care; it is a consumerist approach to improving quality of health services; it directly addresses health as a socio-economic right; it may or may not be linked to mobilising strategies; it commonly presumes success when it may not have high impact, which itself is a lesson worth exploring – i.e. the limitations of Charters may be as important as any successes; in the implementation a Charter, the role of public participation would be critical.

3. Community Working Group on Health (Zimbabwe)

Example of broad mobilising approach to health; although much of its work does not explicitly speak a language of human rights, it would be useful to tease out whether its approach is actually a rights approach; the role of the CWGH in influencing State Policy, particularly pro-poor choices; leverage over resources outside the health sector, etc. Perhaps comparisons to be made to other developing country examples (e.g. in Brazil)