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Table 4 Multivariate models for attempted suicides among male children of sawmill workers during the first 16 years of the child's life

From: The impact of fathers' physical and psychosocial work conditions on attempted and completed suicide among their children

Independent Variables

Model 1

Model 2

Model 3

Father's ethnicity (ref = Caucasian)



.55 (.20,1.53)* (.25)**

.58 (.21,1.63) (.30)

.52 (.18,1.49) (.22)


1.05 (.11,10.32) (.96)

1.09 (.11,10.7) (.94)

1.12 (.11,11.47) (.92)

Father's marital status (ref = married)

.98 (.86,1.11) (.73)

.96 (.85,1.1) (.59)

.95 (.83,1.08) (.44)

Father's suicide


1.98 (.36,10.93) (.43)

1.75 (.31,9.94) (.53)

Father's mental health diagnosis


1.26 (.65,2.45) (.50)

1.26 (.65,2.47) (.49)

Father's alcohol diagnosis


3.58 (.87,14.71) (.08)

3.68 (.87,15.50) (.08)

Father's Occupational Status (ref = manger)




1.03 (.29,3.69) (.96)



1.48 (.41,5.36) (.55)



1.83 (.55,6.12) (.33)

Father's average duration (years) of employment at sawmill

.92 (.87,.98) (.01)

.92 (.86,.98) (.01)

.93 (.87,1.00) (.05)

  1. * 95% Confidence intervals; ** p-value.