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Table 2 Socio-demographic and occupational characteristics of the fathers of case and control children

From: The impact of fathers' physical and psychosocial work conditions on attempted and completed suicide among their children

Independent Variables

Attempted Suicides


Completed Suicides






Father's Marital Status


% Unmarried (N)

13.9 (29)

8.0 (50)

12.5 (3)

8.0 (6)

% Married (N)

86.1 (179)

92.0 (572)

87.5 (21)

92.0 (69)

Father's Ethnicity


% Caucasian (N)

88.1 (199)

85.3 (578)

88,5 (23)

69.2 (54)

% Sikh (N)

10.6 (24)

13.3 (90)

11.5 (3)

25.6 (20)

% Chinese or Other Asian (N)

1.3 (3)

1.5 (10)


5.1 (4)

Father's Occupational Status


% Manager (N)

6.2 (14)

6.9 (47)

3.8 (1)

5.1 (4)

% Tradesman (N)

30.1 (68)

34.5 (234)

26.9 (7)

39.7 (31)

% Skilled (N)

17.7 (40)

19.8 (134)

30.8 (8)

19.2 (15)

% Unskilled (N)

46.0 (104)

38.8 (263)

38.5 (10)

35.9 (28)

Father's average duration (years) of employment at sawmill (sd)

5.7 (4.1)

6.8 (4.1)

5.8 (3.9)

7.9 (3.9)

Father's average # of episodes of unemployment (sd)

1.05 (1.2)

1.12 (1.3)

1.08 (1.23)

1.14 (1.34)