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Table 1 Social capital item means and standard deviations

From: Psychometric evaluation of a short measure of social capital at work


Women (N = 38,914)

Men (N = 9337)

Item 1. Our supervisor treats us with kindness and consideration.

3.85 (1.08)

3.77 (1.08)

Item 2. Our supervisor shows concern for our rights as an employee.

3.82 (1.06)

3.78 (1.08)

Item 3. We have a 'we are together' attitude.

3.60 (1.05)

3.41 (1.09)

Item 4. People keep each other informed about work-related issues in the work unit.

3.85 (0.92)

3.68 (0.99)

Item 5. People feel understood and accepted by each other.

3.29 (1.03)

3.20 (1.02)

Item 6. Do members of the work unit build on each other's ideas in order to achieve the best possible outcome?

3.38 (0.89)

3.23 (0.92)

Item 7. People in the work unit cooperate in order to help develop and apply new ideas.

3.25 (1.05)

3.08 (1.06)

Item 8. We can trust our supervisor.

3.76 (1.17)

3.78 (1.15)

  1. Note: 1 = fully disagree; indicative of low social capital, 5 = fully agree; indicative of high social capital; except item 7 where 1 = very little 5 = very much.