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Table 5 Attributable fraction estimates for the association of neck and upper limb pain with work activities and psychosocial factors in the workplace.

From: The impact of workplace risk factors on the occurrence of neck and upper limb pain: a general population study


Neck and upper limb pain


Pain versus no pain

Severe pain versus non-severe pain*


AFe #

AFp #

AFe #

AFp #

Work activities


   Repeated lifting of heavy objects

15.3 (6.5, 23.1)

7.3 (3.1, 11.1)



   Prolonged bending of neck

27.5 (20.6, 33.8)

13.8 (10.3, 16.9)

23.1 (6.5, 37.1)

11.6 (3.3, 18.6)

   Arms at/above shoulder height

9.9 (1.0, 18.7)

3.2 (0.3, 6.0)

16.7 (0.0, 31.0)

5.4 (0.0, 10.0)

Psychosocial factors


   Little job control

16.0 (8.3, 22.5)

6.7 (3.5, 9.4)

21.3 (7.4, 33.3)

8.9 (3.1, 13.9)

   Physically demanding work



40.5 (26.5, 51.9)

17.3 (11.3, 22.1)

   Little supervisor support

12.3 (3.8, 20.0)

5.1 (1.6, 8.4)



  1. * Non-severe pain = no pain, or mild pain, or moderate pain.
  2. # Estimates are given as percentages (95% confidence intervals), adjusted for spare-time activities, previous neck/upper limb injury, duration of main job, time since end of main job, and coexisting knee, hip or low back pain. Only statistically significant estimates are shown. See text for definitions of AFp and AFe.