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Table 1 Survey questions

From: Knowledge of vitamin D and perceptions and attitudes toward sunlight among Chinese middle-aged and elderly women: a population survey in Hong Kong

1. What is your age group?

2. What is your occupation?

3. Do you work mainly indoors or outdoors?

4. Do you like going in the sun?

5. Do you often use a parasol to shade from the sun?

6. Do you use sunscreen products containing SPF ≥ 15?

   6.1 How often do you use these products?

7. On an average weekday, from 6:30 am to 7:00 pm, how many hours do you spend indoors?

8. On an average Sunday, from 6:30 am to 7:00 pm, how many hours do you spend indoors?

9. Do you like outdoor activities?

10. How often do you do outdoor activities?

11. On an average weekday, from 6:30 am to 7:00 pm, how many hours do you spend outdoors?

12. On an average Sunday, from 6:30 am to 7:00 pm, how many hours do you spend outdoors?

13. In the past week, how much time have you spent in the sun?

14. Do you think you have enough exposure to sunlight?

15. Have you ever heard of vitamin D?

   15.1 What does vitamin D do?

16. What are the sources of vitamin D?

17. Do you know that vitamin D is good for bone health?

   17.1 From where did you learn this?

18. Do you know that sunlight can give you vitamin D?

   18.1 How much time do you need to spend in the sun to get enough vitamin D?

   18.2 From where did you learn about this?