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Table 1 Variable Descriptions

From: The effects of economic deprivation on psychological well-being among the working population of Switzerland

Variable Name

Variable Description


Binary variable for sex: 1 = female, 0 = male


Continuous variable representing biological age in years

Married, Divorced, Single

Binary dummy variables for civil status:

Married: 1 = married, 0 otherwise

Divorced: 1 = divorced, separated, widowed, 0 otherwise

Single: 1 = single, never married, 0 otherwise (referent variable)


Binary variable: 1 = apprenticeship & more; 0 = no formal education

German, French, Italian

Binary dummy variables for primary language spoken:

German: 1 = German, 0 otherwise

French: 1 = French, 0 otherwise

Italian: 1 = Italian, 0 otherwise (referent variable)


Binary variable for type of employment:

1 = full-time (100%); 0 = part-time


Binary variable for type of employment for current job:

1 = self-employed, 0 = works for employer

Risk of unemployment

Continuous variable: risk of unemployment scale in next 12 months 0 (no risk at all) – 10 (a real risk)

Treimans prestige scale

Continuous variable: Treimans prestige scale for main job, 0 (lowest prestige) – 100 (highest prestige)

Professional, Clerical, Service, Other

Binary design variables for occupation, main current job:

Professional: 1 = legislators, senior officials, managers, professionals, 0 otherwise

Clerical: 1 = clerks, 0 otherwise

Service:1 = service workers, market sales workers, 0 otherwise

Other: 1 = skilled agricultural & fishery workers, plant and machine operator assemblers, elementary occupations, armed forces, 0 otherwise (referent category)

Health status

Binary variable for self-assessed health status:

1 = feeling very well/well right now, 0 = average, not very well/not well at all