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Table 1 Respondents' reported stroke warning signs

From: No difference in stroke knowledge between Korean adherents to traditional and western medicine – the AGE study: an epidemiological study

Warning sign

Preferred medical treatment*



Oriental Traditional

Correct responses


   Sudden numbness or weakness

926 (57.0%)

741 (64.9%)

   Sudden confusion, or difficulty speaking, or understanding speech

361 (22.0%)

246 (21.5%)

   Sudden difficulty walking, dizziness or loss of coordination

258 (15.9%)

136 (11.9%)

   Sudden severe headache

66 (4.1%)

27 (2.4%)

   Sudden visual impairment

10 (0.6%)

7 (0.6%)

Incorrect responses



108 (6.6%)

69 (6.0%)

   I don't know

169 (10.4%)

120 (10.5%)

   Other miscellaneous

194 (11.9%)

110 (9.6%)



   Loss of consciousness

81 (5.0%)

56 (4.9%)

   Other miscellaneous

6 (0.4%)

6 (0.4%)

  1. *P > 0.05
  2. shortness of breath, pain in chest or arm, seizure, and sweating
  3. neck stiffness, and quadriplegia