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Table 1 The physicians' attitudes about evaluation of infertile cases at primary care and the reasons that were put forward by those who indicated that there was practice difficulty

From: Attitudes to and management of fertility among primary health care physicians in Turkey: An epidemiological study


n = 748(100%)†

95% CI

Those believing that infertile cases could be evaluated at primary care

215 (28.7)


Those believing that infertile cases could be evaluated at primary care but that the application would prove difficult

76 (10.2)


Those believing that infertile cases cannot be evaluated at primary care level

457 (61.1)


Reasons proposed by those indicating that there was difficulty in application*

n = 533(100%)†

95% CI

Supply of logistics is inadequate (lack of device and equipment at primary care)

297 (55.7)


Only specialists should evaluate

179 (33.6)


My level of education in this field is insufficient

149 (30.0)


There is not enough time at primary care

46 (8.6)


It is a loss of time for patient

43 (8.1)


  1. †Since more than one reason is proposed, the proportion exceeds 100%. * Those who believe that while infertile cases could be evaluated at primary care the practice could prove difficult (n = 76) and those who believe that the practice would not be possible at primary care (n = 457)