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Table 4 Variables (1992) included in the logistic regression with positive/negative health (1994) as the dependent variable.

From: Predictors of positive health in disability pensioners: a population-based questionnaire study using Positive Odds Ratio


Scale a)





Young (<55) / old (≥ 55)

Q: 25→ 64

Gender (no bivariate relation to positive/negative health)


Male / female


Living alone


Yes / no


Living with children


Yes / no




Yes / no


Diagnosis at retirement: fibromyalgia c)


Yes / no


Physician visit last six months d)


Yes / no


In-patient care last six months d)


Yes / no


Regular use d) of:


- sleeping medicine


Yes / no


- analgesics


Yes / no


Index of neurotic symptoms e)


Low (0–2) / high (3–7)

Q: 0→7

Index of psychosomatic symptoms e)


Low (0–2) / high (3–5)

Q: 0→5

ADL index f)


Low (6–11) / high (12–36)

I: 6→36

Subjective health c)


Positive (1+2) / not positive (3–5)

O: Good (1) → poor (5)

Present quality of life g)


Positive (1+2) / not positive (3–5)

O: Very good (1) → very bad (5)

Life-span quality of life g)


Positive (1+2) / not positive (3–5)

O: Very good (1) → very bad (5)

Change in quality of life since retirement g)


Better (1+2) / not better (3–5)

O: Much better (1) → much worse(5)

Expected future quality of life g)


Not worse (1–3) / worse (4–5)

O: Much better (1) → much worse(5)

Satisfaction with: f)


- economy

O: Very satisfied (1) → very dissatisfied (5)

Content (1+2) / not content (3–5)


- dwelling


Content (1) / not content (2–5)


- leisure time


Content (1+2) / not content (3–5)


Lonesome f)


Lonesome (1+2) / not lonesome (3+4)

O: Yes, often (1) → no, never (4)

Difficulties to pass time f)


Difficulties (1+2) / no difficulties (3+4)

O: Yes, often (1) → no, never (4)

Positive self-image e)


High positive self-image (5–10) / low positive self-image (11–20)

I: Index based on the sum of five items: 5 → 20

Economic development since retirement


Positive (1+2) / not positive (3–5)

O: Much better today (1) → much worse today (5)

  1. a) N = Nominal scale; O = Ordinal scale; I = Interval scale; Q = Quote scale b) for detailed definition see [14]c) for definition see Methods d) for detailed definition see [12]e) for detailed definition see [16]f) low ADL index means high ADL capacity: for detailed definition see [15]g) for detailed definition see [17]