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Table 1 Information gathered in the MyHEART study questionnaires.

From: An exploratory study on risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases among adolescents in Malaysia: overview of the Malaysian Health and Adolescents Longitudinal Research Team study (The MyHeART study)

Parental questionnaire


Questions relating to the child's mother

Age, height, weight, current job, highest education, health problems during pregnancy/delivery, mode of delivery, age when delivered participant, number of children, smoking history including during pregnancy, consumption of alcoholic drinks, illnesses (obesity, high blood pressure, cholesterol, angina, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, asthma, bronchitis, osteoporosis, cancer), illness of close family members, income

Questions relating to the child's father

Age, height, weight, current job, highest education, smoking history, consumption of alcoholic drinks, illnesses (obesity, high blood pressure, cholesterol, angina, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, asthma, bronchitis, osteoporosis, cancer), illness of close family members, income

Questions relating to the child

Birth weight, gestational age, infant feeding history, history of abnormal large appetite, excess weight gain, medical conditions or disabilities (congenital defects, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, asthma, allergies, mental health etc.), medication and supplement use

Student Questionnaire


Demographic and student's characteristics

Name, identification card number, home address, district, postcode, state, home telephone, mobile number, email, date of birth, ethnicity, religion, gender, nationality


Physical activity questionnaire (PAQ-c)[15], sleep duration and quality, satisfaction with life

Health background

Eating habits, purging, dieting, breathing problems (wheezing, asthma, treatments), usage of inhalers, nose problems unrelated to flu (eg: sneezing, blocked nose), skin problems (rash, eczema)

High risk behaviour

Smoking habits, alcohol consumption, drugs intake, online and electronic usage, gambling habits

Female sexual and reproductive health

Tanner staging system, menstrual periods, knowledge on sex

Male sexual and reproductive health

Tanner staging system, knowledge on sex