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Table 3 Stages of change approach strengths and weaknesses

From: Integrating stages of change models to cast new vision on interventions to improve global retinoblastoma and childhood cancer outcomes




Precaution Adaption Processes Model (PAPM)

-Dichotomous model, practical for decision-making

-“Decision not to treat” may be viewed as unacceptable

-Incorporates a distinct unawareness stage (versus unaware OR unengaged) with opportunity for education

-Emphasis on reading materials/pamphlets may need to be locally modified to literacy rates

-Challenge of measuring family’s exact stage of placement

Transtheoretical Model (TTM)

-Removes assumptions about immediate readiness for behavior

-Danger of evolving into a self-help model without adequate support for change when the external forces of poverty and conflicting priorities are the reason for delay

-Recognizes different families will be in different stages

-Encourages inclusive, appropriately timed motivational readiness interventions

-Does not always recognize broader social and physical context

-May unintentionally imply blame on a family, whereas much of the impetus is a fractured system of care delivery

-Supports families between decisional stages toward acceptance

-Common phrases such as “self” efficacy and “self” realization may not be relevant in settings where health behaviors and outcomes are communally based

Decision to not utilize stage- based model

-Potentially streamlined decision-making

-Population characteristics, needs, and values may be overlooked when community engagement is not prioritized (available and accessible does not equal acceptable, appropriate, or equitable)

-Time and resources centralized to making treatment available and accessible

-With limited funding sources, focuses resources on specific, measurable biological outcomes such as diagnostic accuracy and disease response

-Risk imposition of an external “evidence based approach” which is not taking local evidence and local experience into consideration to facilitate service or intervention adoption and sustainability


-Risk suboptimal allocation and mis-prioritization of resources toward well-intentioned empiric efforts that are however poorly aligned with target populations’ current stages of readiness for change