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Table 3 Associations of TV time and PC time with cardiometabolic biomarkers in Dutch 5-6 yr old children (N = 1,961)

From: Screen time and cardiometabolic function in Dutch 5–6 year olds: cross-sectional analysis of the ABCD-study


TV time(b-coefficient [95%CI])

PC time(b-coefficient [95%CI])


Model 1

Model 2

Model 1

Model 2

WC (cm)

0.18 (−0.03;0.40)

0.09 (−0.13;0.30)

0.03 (−0.34;0.41)

−0.05 (−0.41;0.32)

Mean blood pressure (mm Hg)

0.43 (−0.04;0.91)

0.34 (−0.16;0.83)

0.50 (−0.32;1.31)

0.32 (−0.53;1.18)

Glucose (mmol/l)

0.04 (0.004;0.07)*

0.02 (−0.01;0.06)

0.07 (0.01;0.12)*

0.05 (−0.01;0.11)

LDLC (mmol/l)

0.03 (−0.02;0.07)

0.02 (−0.02;0.07)

0.04 (−0.04;0.11)

0.02 (−0.06;0.10)

HDLC (mmol/l)

0.01 (−0.01;0.03)

0.001 (−0.02;0.02)

0.04 (0.004;0.08)*

0.04 (0.001;0.08)*

Triglycerides (mmol/l)

0.002 (−0.02;0.02)

0.002 (−0.02;0.02)

−0.003 (−0.04;0.03)

−0.004 (−0.04;0.03)

Cardiometabolic function scorea

0.02 (−0.01;0.05)

0.02 (−0.01;0.05)

−0.001 (−0.05;0.05)

−0.01 (−0.07;0.04)

  1. *p < 0.05.
  2. aHigher values indicating better cardiometabolic function, *p < 0.05.
  3. LDLC = low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, HDLC = high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, WC = waist circumference.
  4. Data are unstandardised regression coefficients (95% CI) and outcomes are expressed as standardised z scores.
  5. Model 1: adjusted for gender (except when the gender-specific function score was the outcome), birth weight, and maternal education. Model 2: Model 1 + additionally adjusted for TV time (except when TV time as exposure), PC time (except when PC time as exposure), PA, and WC (except when function score and WC as outcome). In both models the analyses for WC, blood pressure and function score were also adjusted for child height.