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Table 1 Description of interactive stations of the student smoking prevention circuit

From: Berlin evaluates school tobacco prevention - BEST prevention: study design and methodology

Interactive station



1. Addiction

• Education and awareness in relation to the development of nicotine addiction

16 cards showing each a person and a statement have to be allocated to 4 steps symbolizing the stages of addiction:

• Stages of the development of nicotine/cigarette addiction: Interest → Trial → Habituation → Addiction

Students get points for each correct allocation

2. Knowledge

• Facts/information on tobacco smoke/cigarettes: statistics, dangers, health effects, addiction etc.

Students answer multiple choice questions on a computer

3. Aroma

• Sensory experience: Recognition of different odors

Students have to recognize 8 odors and allocate them to diverse advertisements (e.g. cigarettes, cars, perfumes)

4. Breath

• Sensory experience: Breathing sounds of smokers and non-smokers (and a lion)

Students listen to breathing sounds over a headphone and have to allocate the sounds to a list of answers

5. Toxin Memory

• Relevant toxins in cigarettes and tobacco smoke

Students have to identify pairs of memory cards by allocating a toxic ingredient of cigarettes to the product where it is normally used, e.g.: Arsenic - rodent control; plumb – battery; naphthalene - insecticides)

6. Arterio-sclerosis

• Development of atherosclerosis and its consequences

Students have to pump water through two water tubes. One is normal, the other one constricted to show differences in the circulatory system of smokers and non-smokers.

• Blood flow in non-smokers and in long-term smokers with arteriosclerosis

Followed by quiz.

Information billboard

• Physical appearance of smokers

As part of this billboard students try to recognize smokers/non-smokers by physical appearance.