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Table 3 The most relevant questionnaire items and their psychometric characteristics

From: The role of family-related factors in the effects of the UP4FUN school-based family-focused intervention targeting screen time in 10- to 12-year-old children: the ENERGY project


Question item

Response alternatives

Cronbach’s alpha

Availability TV’s

How many TV’s do you have at home?

0 = none – 5 = more than 4


Availability computers

How many computers do you have at home (including iPads and laptops)?

0 = none – 5 = more than 4


Availability consoles

How many game consoles do you have at home (e.g. Playstation, Xbox, Nintento, Wii, GameCube, DS)?

0 = none – 5 = more than 4


Strictness (2 items)

1. When my child asks me if he/she can watch TV /use the computer/console during leisure, I allow it

-2 = always – +2 = never


2. My child can watch TV/use computer/game console during leisure whenever he/she wishes

Paying attention/Monitoring

I pay attention to how much time my child spends watching TV/using a computer/game console during leisure

-2 = never – +2 = always



I discuss with my child how long he/she can watch TV/use computer/game console during leisure

-2 = never – +2 = always



1. I have rules about how many hours my child can watch TV/use a computer/game console during leisure

-2 = fully disagree – +2 = fully agree


Avoiding negative role modeling

When I want to watch TV/use the computer/game console during leisure, I will hold back when my child is around

-2 = never – +2 = always


Parental PA

During an average week, on how many days have you been physically active for at least 30 minutes in total

0 = none – 7 = every day


Parental sporting

How often do you do sports? (e.g. fitness club, indoor or outdoor)

0 = never – 4 = more than once a week


Active family trips (3 items)

1. How often do you and your child go on a bike-or-hike trip in the neighbourhood together?

0 = never – 4 = more than once a week


2. How often do you and your child go on a nature excursion together (e.g. woods, mountains, lake, river, sea)?

3. How often do you and your child go on other nature related trips together (e.g. to the park)