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Table 3 Reported effects on weight indicators and overweight prevalence in a general population of children of European community-based interventions

From: Overview of 71 European community-based initiatives against childhood obesity starting between 2005 and 2011: general characteristics and reported effects

Project and design


Sample size (N)

Effect size (CI or ± SD)





12 year

N = 475 intervention

0.3 kg/m2

P = 0.05

∆ BMI2 at follow-up

4 years

RCT (randomization at school level)


N = 479 control


Movi 1[20]

8-10 years

N = 375 intervention

Boys: intervention: 30% (b) to 28% (f)


Prevalence of overweight at baseline (b) and follow-up (f)

2 years


N = 546 control

control: 33% (b) to 32% (f)


Girls: intervention: 32% (b) to 26% (f)


control: 29% (b) to 27% (f)


Copenhagen school child[22]

6-8 years

N = 243 intervention

Boys: intervention: +9.3 (±3.1) kg

P = 0.6

Body weight

3 years

Quasi experimental trial


N = 138 control

control: +9.5 (± 3.4) kg


Girls: intervention: +9.0 (±3.1) kg

P = 0.5


control: +9.3 (±3.2) kg





5-12 years

Boys: N = 421 –305–262–312–336

Boys: 9.0%-10.2% -9.5% -7.7% -7.4%


Prevalence overweight at time points:

12 years


Girls: N = 383–296–253–280–297

Girls: 14.1%-18.6% -17.0% -13.6% -10.4%




Prevalence overweight

Quasi experimental trial (cross-sectional at endpoint only)

5-12 years

N = 633 intervention

Intervention: 8.8%

P < 0.05



N = 349 control

Control: 17.8%


Boys: intervention: 15.6 kg/m2

P < 0.05


control: 16.7 kg/m2


Girls: intervention: 15.7 kg/m2

P < 0.05


Control: 16.4 kg/m2


Children study[24]

10 year

N = 321 intervention

Intervention: 2.1 (1.9-2.4) kg

P = 0.1

∆ Body weight

1 year

Clustered RCT (school is level of randomisation)


N = 325 control

Control: 4.7 (4.5-4.9) kg


Intervention: −1.1 (−1.2 - -0.9) kg

P < 0.05



Control: +0.1 (−0.03- +0.2) kg



6-12 years

N = 539

2008: 17% (4%)


Prevalence overweight (obesity) at time points: 2008-2010

2 years?

Longitudinal (pre-post test design)


2010: 15% (2%)


GO-Overvecht 1[26]

4-12 years


2004/05: 26%

P < 0.05

Prevalence overweight at time points: 2004/05 – 2008/09

4 years?


2008/09: 20%


12-15 years

N = 3532

no significant reduction




7 years

N = 261 (GE)

GE: +0.2



1 year

Longitudinal (pre-post test design) in two countries (Germany (GE) and the Netherlands (NL)


N = 296 (NL)

NL: +0.33


GE 2009: 15.0%


Prevalence in BMI percentiles 7 and 8 (heavy overweight and obesity)4

2009 - 2010


2010: 14.6%


NL 2009: 12.8%


2010: 12.0%5


Jönköping County[28]

6,5 years

N = 3362 – 3310 – 3298 – 3319

14% (5%) - 12% (4%) - 15% (5%) -13% (4%)


Prevalence overweight (obesity) at time points: 2004/05 - 2006/07 -2009/10 – 2011/2012

7 years?


10,5 years

N = 4180 – 3631 – 3201 – 3250

17% (4%) - 17% (3%) -17% (4%) -18% (4%)


14 years

N = 4641 – 4183 – 3258 – 3193

15% (3%) - 14% (3%) - 17% (5%) -17% (5%)


16,5 years

N = 3162 – 3875 – 3526 – 2906

15% (4%) - 15% (3%) - 14%(4%) -16% (6%)

  1. 1Study design involving comparison with a control region/condition; 2BMI = Body Mass Index; 3corresponding with normal effects of growth, according to the authors; 4prevalence of percentile 8 (obesity) increased from 3.3 to 4.2%.