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Table 1 EIN responses to identified implementation issues

From: Process evaluation outcomes from a global child obesity prevention intervention

Area of support

Initiatives in process

Initiatives planned


- Creation of the EIN Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) with multidisciplinary experts.

- Funding and establishing an evaluation framework for 3 EIN member programs.


- Taskforce on Global Evaluation Project.

- Tailored coaching in evaluation for EIN members.


- Taskforce on publications.

- Dissemination of the WHO’s appraisal tools to EIN member programs.


- Facilitating EIN SAB participation in international meetings on program evaluation.

- Development of a common evaluation and intervention taxonomy.


- Ongoing surveys of evaluation issues among EIN member programs.


- Capacity and capability workshops for member program coordinators.

- Leverage funding for evaluation activities.


- Travel and accommodation expenses covered for specific interventions/meetings.


- Monitoring of public and private opportunities for program funding.


- Tailored support provided to EIN member programs to identify funding partners and develop relationships with public officials.


Public-Private partnerships

- Establishment of a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Taskforce to ensure full transparency and avoid conflict of interest issues.

- Create a common commitment charter for private partners to ensure full transparency and avoid conflict of interests.


- Ongoing surveys on PPP administered to EIN member programs to identify levers and challenges of partnerships.


Advocacy and Awareness

- A biannual Global Obesity Forum is held for member programs and other stakeholders.


- Regular meetings with politics/scientists/policy-makers and partners.


- Dissemination of scientific publications.


- Participation in national and international conferences (+30 per year) and collaboration with major obesity conferences (e.g., Pan American Conference on Obesity, American Nutrition Society Conference).


- Ongoing communications (website, twitter, YouTube, newsletters, flashnews, infographics, etc.).

Methodological guidance

- Organisation of "Kick-off meetings" for new programs.

- Specific methodological advice on request.


- Running capacity building workshops.

- Development of a comprehensive and user-friendly database.


- Organisation of Regional Obesity meetings (European, Latin American, and Asia-Pacific).