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Table 1 Assessment of health promotion competencies (assessment/evaluation and health behavior change strategies and interventions) for entry-level health professionals in their program curricula

From: Toward core inter-professional health promotion competencies to address the non-communicable diseases and their risk factors through knowledge translation: Curriculum content assessment

Health behavior

Assessment and outcome evaluation

Overall hours Theory: Practical: Clinical

Health behavior change strategies and interventions

Overall hours Theory: Practical: Clinical


Goal: Non smoker


Readiness-to-change stage-based interventions


Non smoker

 Pre-contemplative stage

 → 5 R’s (Relevance, Risks,

Ever smoked, if so, how much for how long Number of quit attempts

 Rewards, Roadblocks, Repetition)

 Contemplative/preparation/action stages

 → 5 A’s (Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist, Arrange)

Smoker: how much for how long

Formal established training program in smoking cessation, e.g.,

Number of quit attempts

Equivalent of ‘The Why Test’ to establish motivation for smoking

Advice, e.g., cutting back, setting a quit date, garnering social support, goal setting, developing competing interests, e.g., exercise

Readiness to quit

Nicotine replacement therapy

Counseling strategies:

 Motivational interviewing

 Cognitive behavior therapy

 Acceptance commitment therapy

 Other: e.g., quit blogs


Goal: Healthy body mass and body fat, and healthy lean tissue


Readiness-to-change stage-based interventions


Pre-contemplative stage

 → 5 R’s

Body mass index

Contemplative/preparation/action stages

Waist-hip ratio

Servings of vegetables daily

 → 5 A’s

Goal: >5 A-Day

Counseling strategies:

Servings of fruit daily

 Motivational interviewing

Whole grains servings daily

 Cognitive behavior therapy

 Acceptance commitment therapy

Low red meat and processed meat consumption

Readiness to eat more healthily


Activity and exercise

Goal: ↓ Sedentary activity


Readiness-to-change stage-based interventions


 Pre-contemplative stage

↑ Regular physical activity daily and structured exercise 3-5 x/wk

 → 5 R’s

 Contemplative/preparation/action stages

 → 5 A’s

Walks around hourly during periods of prolonged sitting

Counseling strategies:

 Motivational interviewing

 Cognitive behavior therapy

 Acceptance commitment therapy

Hours of prolonged sitting work day


Hours of regular physical activity


Moderately-intense activity

Regular structured exercise



Yoga/tai chi

Readiness to be more active


Goal: 7-9 h/night


Readiness-to-change stage-based interventions


Average number of hours

 Pre-contemplative stage

 → 5 R’s

Average number of times up at night

 Contemplative/preparation/action stages

 → 5 A’s

Quality of sleep overall (0 =worst to 10=best)

Counseling strategies:

Readiness to improve sleep quality and quantity

 Motivational interviewing

 Cognitive behavior therapy

 Acceptance commitment therapy


Mental health (anxiety and stress)

Goal: Feels unhurried and can manage stress most days


Readiness-to-change stage-based interventions


 Pre-contemplative stage

 → 5 R’s

Daily irritations

Contemplative/preparation/action stages

Life challenges Holmes Rahe Stress test

 → 5 A’s

Counseling strategies:

Readiness to reduce stress

 Motivational interviewing

 Cognitive behavior therapy

 Acceptance commitment therapy


  1. The columns titled Overall Hours (Theory: Practical: Clinical) are where the number of hours are entered by a given health professional program for each topic (assessment/outcome evaluation and each health behavior change strategy and intervention). Hours are categorized as theory, practical, and clinical.General tools to assess Global Health: e.g., Health Improvement Card (Figure 2).Template of a tool to assess non-communicable disease risk: e.g., type 2 diabetes mellitus (CANRISK) (Figure 3).