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Table 2 Application of HIA and HiAP

From: Health Impact Assessment in New South Wales & Health in All Policies in South Australia: differences, similarities and connections


New South Wales: Health Impact Assessment

South Australia: Health in All Policies


Works to assess a draft ‘proposal’ (even if this is an idea or an option) to predict its impacts. Is time bound in and around policy formulation and decision making.

Works across the policy making cycle - most often at the beginning of the policy cycle. Is not usually time bound and can be long term. Begins with the identification of a policy area where HiAP can collaborate with other sectors.

Aims of application

Change a proposal by making the links to health by identifying causal pathways between proposed activities, the determinants of health, and health and equity outcomes, and making recommendations for changes in re-drafting the proposal or taking additional action.

Focus on achieving Government core business targets (both those of Health and other departments). Involves identifying causal pathways between health and the determinants under the influence of partnering sectors in a two way dynamic to inform policy development.