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Table 1 Content, response options and descriptive statistics of the parental perceived neighborhood built environmental attributes

From: Parental perceived neighborhood attributes: associations with active transport and physical activity among 10–12 year old children and the mediating role of independent mobility


Content of the item

Response category

Mean score boys

Mean score girls

Residential density (3 items)

Presence of different types of residences (e.g. detached single family residences, row houses, apartments)

5-point scalea

78.8 (26.9)

79.5 (26.3)

Land use mix diversity (9 items)

Distance to local facilities (e.g. supermarket, post office, library)

5-point scaleb

3.4 (0.9)

3.4 (0.9)

Land use mix access (5 items)

Access to neighborhood services for their child (e.g. ease to walk to public transport, ease to walk to school)

5-point scalec

3.6 (1.1)

3.6 (1.0)

Distance to school (1item)

Distance to the school of the adolescent

5-point scaleb

2.9 (1.4)

3.0 (1.4)

Connectivity (3 items)

Connectedness of street network (e.g. presence of intersections, dead-end streets, alternate routes)

5-point scalec

3.3 (0.7)

3.3 (0.7)

Availability of walking and cycling infrastructure (4 items)

Availability of walking and cycling infrastructure (e.g. footpaths and cycling lanes in most streets, footpaths and cycling lanes separated from streets )

5-point scalec

2.7 (0.9)

2.8 (0.9)

Quality and maintenance of walking and cycling infrastructure (5 items)

Quality and maintenance of walking and cycling infrastructure (e.g. maintenance of cycling lanes and footpaths, presence of lighting)

5-point scalec

3.1 (1.0)

3.1 (0.9)

Aesthetics (4 items)

Presence of aesthetic features (e.g. green spaces, attractive buildings, streets free from litter and graffiti)

5-point scalec

3.6 (0.8)

3.5 (0.7)

Safety for traffic (6 items)

Perceived safety from traffic problems (e.g. speed of traffic in neighborhood, availability of pedestrian crossings and traffic signals)

5-point scalec

2.9 (0.7)

2.8 (0.7)

Safety for crime (4 items)

Perceived safety from crime (e.g. crime prevalence in the neighborhood, perceived safety from strangers)

5-point scalec

3.5 (0.8)

3.4 (0.7)

Convenience of recreation facilities (5 items)

Distance to PA facilities (e.g. sports field, sports hall, swimming pool, park)

5-point scalec

3.5 (0.9)

3.4 (0.9)

  1. PA: physical activity.
  2. anone, a few, about half, a lot, all.
  3. b> 30 min, 21–30 min, 11–20 min, 6–10 min, 1–5 min.
  4. cstrongly disagree, somewhat disagree, neither agree or disagree, somewhat agree, strongly agree.
  5. Note: all perceived built environmental attributes were positively scored: higher score = more walkable.