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Table 3 Qualitative interview questions

From: A randomized clinical trial of an integrated behavioral self-management intervention Simultaneously Targeting Obesity and Pain: the STOP trial



Rapport, priorities, preference

1. Why were you interested in participating in this study?

2. Why did you decide to participate after you learned about the study details?

3. What were your thoughts when you found out you were randomized to [pain, weight loss, integrated intervention]?

4. How did your view of the intervention change as you progressed through the study?


5. Describe for me the most important or useful ways to manage [weight loss, pain, both] that you learned from your sessions?

6. What were some things covered in the sessions that were not useful for you?

7. What do you do differently now based on what you’ve learned during treatment?

8. How did you feel about the weekly homework assignments?

9. How will you continue to use the skills you learned?

Experience, reflection, priorities

10. Why do you think you had the outcome you did in treatment [lose weight, experience less pain, both, neither]?

11. What is the most important thing healthcare providers need to know about treating someone with comorbid pain and overweight?

12. What do you think are the most important outcomes for treatment? For you, what would define a ‘good outcome’ to a treatment such as this?