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Table 1 Trial inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: Preventing substance misuse: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of the Strengthening Families Programme 10–14 UK (SFP 10–14 UK)

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

At least one parent/carer and one child are willing to attend the programme together

Situations where either a parent or child does not want to attend the programme

The ability to speak English (help can be provided for parents or children with low literacy levels). Some programmes may also be delivered through the medium of Welsh if there is sufficient demand

Parents or children who cannot speak English (or Welsh, where appropriate)

A programme is being offered at a location to which it is practicable for a family to travel (as determined by the programme coordinator) within the next three months

No programme is being offered at a location to which it is practicable for a family to travel (as determined by the programme coordinator) within the next three months. In such a case the family would not be excluded. They will be placed on a waiting list for the programme and will be contacted when a programme is available. They will then be recruited into the trial

Families with a child aged 10-14



Families who do not live together - e.g. the child/children are in care


Families with very high needs or challenges (such as serious substance misuse problems, family breakdown or crisis)