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Table 2 Topics of BSAC modules

From: Be smart against cancer! A school-based program covering cancer-related risk behavior



Methods and content

What is cancer?

Cancer development

Class discussion about student’s knowledge of cancer; information about cancer development on cell level

Cancer treatment

Information on chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery

Risk factors

Information about the ones capable of being influenced such as smoking and alcohol and the ones not capable of being influenced such as age

Sun protection

Positive and negative effects of UV-radiation

Information about Vitamin D production on one hand, elevated risk of skin damage and ultimately skin cancer on the other hand; discussion about these effects

Skin types

Interactive animation: Students check their own skin type and their associated need for sun protection

ABCD-Check for Melanoma

Information and training of ABCD-rules

Sun protection guidelines

Short video and role-play: Information and trainings of sun protection; discussion about attitudes towards sun-protection

Non smoking

Effects of smoking on one’s health and other important facts about smoking

Information about effects of smoking; a class discussion about own/friend’s/families smoking experiences of each student and evaluation of its associated risks

Reasons for non-smoking

Group work: Finding individual reasons for non-smoking, then adding further reasons out of a list together as a group

Physical activity, Healthy nutrition and Limited alcohol consumption

Physical activity

Short quiz: How long do we have to be physically active?

Pantomime (3 students show forms of physical activity for the other students to guess): This is physical activity already?

Handy exercises for in-classroom time: How can I be physically active in school?


Healthy nutrition

The food pyramid for kids: Students fill in the different steps of the pyramid

Classroom game: Right and wrong statements on nutrition

Group-work: Healthy eating for a week – not difficult at all

Short video on healthy nutrition: Summing it up

Limited alcohol consumption

Information and discussion: Alcohol as risk factor for cancer