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Table 1 Examples of trial text messages mapped to behavioural change taxonomy

From: Efficacy of a text messaging (SMS) based intervention for adults with hypertension: protocol for the StAR (SMS Text-message Adherence suppoRt trial) randomised controlled trial

Goals & planning

A pill box can help you to remember when to take you high blood pills. We encourage you to get one. For more info ask PHARMACY.


Make taking your pills part of your daily routine, like when you brush your teeth. Doing this can help you remember to take them regularly.

Repetition & substitution

Pls remember your next CLUB DATE is on [DAY][DD/MM/YY] at [TIME].


Thnx for picking up your meds. Keeping on your pills & attending on your correct dates helps us serve you better.


We missed you @ CLUB. We hope you’re OK. Pls be sure to come in to collect your MEDICINE.

Social support

Ask someone you trust to help you remember to take your medicine as directed.


You’re doing very well. Pls keep on with your pills, come on your clinic dates, exercise&eat healthy food.

Natural consequences

Pls remember your high blood can’t be cured. To keep healthy pls keep on with your pills, come on your clinic dates, exercise&eat healthy food.