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Table 2 Number of participants who took the faith belief or personal belief statement probe for the brainstorming and self-reporting on first sex (N = 213)

From: Faith and HIV prevention: the conceptual framing of HIV prevention among Pentecostal Batswana teenagers

First sex

Statement probe condition


A. Faith belief

B(Personal belief)

C = Yes (n = 61)

28 (25)

33 (32)

D = No (n = 152)




110 (51)


  1. Note. The numbers in brackets are column percentages. AC = number of participants with first who took the faith oriented statement probe self-reporting with first sex. BC = number of who took the faith oriented statement probe self-reporting with first sex; AD = number of participants who took the personal belief statement probe self-reporting with no first sex; BD = number of participants who took the personal belief statement probe self-reporting with no first sex.