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Table 3 Data collected through Medicare and Pharmaceutical Benefit scheme

From: Factors influencing social and health outcomes after motor vehicle crash injury: an inception cohort study protocol

Variables from medicare data


Date of service

Date on which the provider performed the service

Date of processing

Date on which Medicare processed the payment of a claim for the service

Medicare benefits Item description

Describes the service provided by the provider as per Medicare Benefits Schedule

Medicare item number

A number that identifies the service provided by the provider as per Medicare Benefits Schedule

Provider charge

The amount the provider charged for the service

Schedule fee

The fee listed in the Medicare Benefits Schedule

Benefit paid

The Medicare benefit paid to the claimant

Patient out of pocket

The amount the patient is out of pocket i.e. provider charge minus benefit paid Bill


Method by which the Medicare benefit was claimed i.e. cash, bulk bill, cheque to claimant, cheque to provider via claimant, PCE (Easy claim patient claim), simplified bill and EFT

Scrambled ordering provider number

A scrambled provider number identifying the doctor who referred the service scrambled

Rendering provider number

A scrambled provider number identifying the doctor who provided the service

Date of referral

The date of referral or request for a service by a provider

Rendering provider postcode

Postcode of servicing provider’s practice location

Ordering provider postcode

Postcode of referring provider's practice location

Hospital indicator

An indicator of whether the service was performed in hospital

Provider speciality

Speciality of the provider as at time of service

Item category

From the hierarchical system of the Medicare Benefits Schedule

Variables from Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) claims data

Date of supply

The date on which the PBS item was supplied

Date of prescribing

The date on which the prescription was written PBS

Item code

Number which indicates item prescribed as per Schedule of

Pharmaceutical benefits item description

Item name description as it appears in the Schedule of PBS

Pharmaceutical benefits patient category

Refers to the patient's concessional status at the time of supply of the benefit of the item

Patient contribution

The contribution actually paid by the patient

Net benefit

Benefit that Medicare paid to the Pharmacy

Scrambled prescriber number

A scrambled prescriber number identifying the doctor who prescribed the PBS item

Pharmacy postcode

Postcode of Pharmacy where the prescription was dispensed

Form category

Description of script type, e.g. OR: Original, RE: Repeat, DS, Deferred Script, AU: Authority, AR: Authority Repeat


Code allocated by the WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics

ATC name

According to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification system

Prescriber derived major speciality

Speciality of prescribing doctor