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Figure 2 | BMC Public Health

Figure 2

From: Mass fatality preparedness among medical examiners/coroners in the United States: a cross-sectional study

Figure 2

Comparisons between preparedness measures scores and with respect to the Presidential Disaster Declarations. (A) MFI Plan measure by Federal Region; (B) Operational Capabilities measure by Federal Region; (C) Pre-existing Resource Networks measure by Federal Region; and (D) Presidential Disaster Declarations (2001-2014) by Federal Region. Data for the disaster declarations map were available at the FEMA website [27] and median number of regional disaster declarations (N = 138) was used to categorize all 10 regions in map D. Maps A-C were created using questionnaire data. Scores for the preparedness measures and number of disaster declarations were categorized into two groups (below median and equal to or above median). The lighter blue represents regions with scores/number of disaster declarations below the median and the darker blue indicates regions with scores/number of disaster declarations equal to or above the median.

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