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Table 3 The four implementation levels as described in participant accounts

From: Implementing an Injury Prevention Briefing to aid delivery of key fire safety messages in UK children’s centres: qualitative study nested within a multi-centre randomised controlled trial


Participant description


‘We had boards and things up … we put up photographs after the events…. The fire safety in the home booklet pages photocopied out of books and stuck up …and we … encouraged people to come along to the workshops … slotting activities into a session, that’s already running … we’ve tried to do it …. in different ways … we set up the large training room with … hair straighteners on the floor … to try and make it a bit more interactive ….we watched the fancy a cuppa DVD which is from the child action prevention people… So we tried doing a lot of different things to make it a bit more interesting.’ (Site B: IPB+)


‘Initially we’d looked through the … IPB, to see exactly what it entailed … and decided that … we’d try and construct a lesson plan to give possibly two sessions at that point because I was obviously time constrained…it was just myself and the student social worker that provided the information … we just had to adapt to make the timings a lot shorter.’ (Site A: IPB+)


‘We’d made… it wasn’t … official as such but we talked about how we were going to use it so we’d said that we’d would run workshops but … after contacting all the parents and not having the interest we didn’t go ahead if we had had the interest we would have gone ahead and made proper plans.’ (Site C: IPB only)


‘We never had the briefing the injury prevention briefing book so … I think right from the beginning we have been at a misunderstanding. Also our manager at that time, two of the staff that set it up have left, our strategic manager … has also been on long term sick, the manager of our team has retired and we are going through a management of change so we have been short staffed… I don’t really know what IPB is.’ (Site C: IPB only)