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Table 2 Secondary outcome measures for the intervention group only at baseline (T1), post intervention (T2) and 6 months follow up (T3) 1

From: Wider impacts of a 10-week community cooking skills program - Jamie’s Ministry of Food, Australia

Outcome measure

Baseline (T1) mean (S.E)

Follow up (T2) mean (S.E)

6 months post intervention follow up (T3) mean (S.E)

Change from baseline (T2-T1) mean (S.E) P value

Change from baseline (T3-T1) mean (S.E) P value

Change from baseline (T3-T2) mean (S.E) P value

Overall effect of change over time P value 2

Food purchasing behaviours and attitudes

Total weekly food and drink expenditure (AUD) 3

137.13 (2.65)

135.21 (3.08)

137.28 (3.42)

−1.93(2.48) P = 0.44

0.15 (2.90) P = 0.96

2.08 (3.08) P = 0.50

P = 0.70

Total weekly fruit and veg expenditure (AUD) 3

20.77 (0.62)

23.25 (0.74)

23.64 (0.83)

2.48 (0.65) P < 0.001

2.86 (0.76) P < 0.001

0.39 (0.81) P = 0.63

P <0.001

Total weekly take away/fast food expenditure (AUD) 3

13.19 (0.59)

9.85 (0.68)

9.14 (0.76)

−3.34 (0.54) P < 0.001

−4.05 (0.63) P < 0.001

−0.71 (0.68) P = 0.29

P <0.001

I can Prepare a meal from basics that is low in Price 4

2.99 (0.03)

3.41 (0.04)

3.42 (0.04)

0.42 (0.04) P < 0.001

0.43 (0.05) P < 0.001

0.01 (0.05) P = 0.79

P <0.001

Buying more fruit/vegetables would not be difficult on my budget 4a

2.85 (0.03)

2.93 (0.04)

2.97 (0.05)

0.08 (0.05) P = 0.09

0.11 (0.05) P = 0.03

0.04 (0.06) P = 0.52

P = 0.06

Fruit and vegetables are cheaper when they are in season 4

3.42 (0.02)

3.62 (0.03)

3.66 (0.04)

0.21 (0.04) P < 0.001

0.24 (0.04) P < 0.001

0.04 (0.04) P = 0.41

P <0.001

Cooking and healthy eating knowledge, attitudes beliefs and behaviours

I can Put together a healthy meal from scratch in 30 minutes 4

2.85 (0.03)

3.29 (0.04)

3.31 (0.05)

0.44 (0.04) P < 0.001

0.46 (0.05) P < 0.001

0.02 (0.06) P = 0.67

P <0.001

I find it easy to change my eating habits 4

2.52 (0.03)

2.71 (0.04)

2.70 (0.04)

0.17 (0.04) P < 0.001

0.18 (0.05) P < 0.001

0.00 (0.05) P = 0.94

P <0.001

Vegetables can be tasty foods 4

3.54 (0.02)

3.69 (0.03)

3.69 (0.04)

0.15 (0.03) P = 0.001

0.15 (0.04) P < 0.001

0.00 (0.04) P = 0.97

P <0.001

I eat enough fruit and vegetables 4

2.66 (0.03)

3.00 (0.04)

3.05 (0.05)

0.34 (0.04) P < 0.001

0.39 (0.05) P = 0.001

0.06 (0.05) P = 0.26

P <0.001

My lifestyle does not Prevent me eating a healthy diet 4a

3.11 (0.03)

3.32 (0.04)

3.29 (0.05)

0.21 (0.04) P < 0.001

0.18 (0.05) P < 0.001

−0.03 (0.05) P = 0.55

P <0.001

Cooking enjoyment and satisfaction

I enjoy cooking 4

3.05 (0.03)

3.32 (0.04)

3.28 (0.04)

0.27 (0.03) P < 0.001

0.23 (0.04) P < 0.001

−0.04 (0.04) P = 0.31

P <0.001

I get a lot of satisfaction from cooking my meals 4

2.96 (0.03)

3.31 (0.04)

3.29 (0.04)

0.35 (0.04) P < 0.001

0.33 (0.04) P < 0.001

−0.02 (0.04) P = 0.72

P <0.001

I enjoy cooking for others 4

3.01 (0.03)

3.26 (0.04)

3.18 (0.05)

0.25 (0.04) P < 0.001

0.18 (0.04) P < 0.001

−0.08 (0.05) P = 0.11

P <0.001

I enjoy eating a meal with others 4

3.51 (0.02)

3.60 (0.03)

3.61 (0.03)

0.09 (0.03) P = 0.01

0.10 (0.04) P = 0.01

0.01 (0.04) P = 0.77

P = 0.003

Social eating

Frequency of eating together at home with others 5

3.92 (0.07)

4.17 (0.08)

4.20 (0.09)

0.25 (0.07) P < 0.001

0.28 (0.09) P < 0.001

0.04 (0.09) P = 0.69

P <0.001

Frequency of eating dinner in front of the television 5

2.69 (0.08)

2.50 (0.09)

2.46 (0.10)

−0.19 (0.07) P = 0.01

−0.23 (0.08) P = 0.01

−0.04 (0.09) P = 0.66

P = 0.01

Frequency of eating dinner at a dinner table 5

3.12 (0.08)

3.40 (0.09)

3.37 (0.10)

0.28 (0.65) P < 0.001

0.25 (0.08) P = 0.001

−0.02 (0.08) P = 0.76

P <0.001

Health and emotional well-being

Global self-esteem score 6

20.88 (0.22)

22.61 (0.25)

22.92 (0.28)

1.73 (0.21) P < 0.001

2.04 (0.25) P < 0.001

0.31 (0.26) P = 0.24

P <0.001

General Health 7

2.77 (0.04)

3.11 (0.05)

3.24 (0.05)

0.34 (0.04) P < 0.001

0.47 (0.05) P < 0.001

0.13 (0.05) P = 0.01

P <0.001

Body Mass Index (BMI)

28.86 (0.27)

28.79 (0.28)

28.94 (0.29)

−0.07 (0.14) P = 0.61

0.08 (0.16) P = 0.65

0.15 (0.17) P = 0.39

P = 0.68

  1. 1Outcomes within each group and over time were determined by a mixed linear model for repeated measures using all available data at each time Point using STATA (version 12.0).
  2. 2A significant group and time interaction effect denotes that the response over time differed between groups (P < 0.05). 3Expenditure data was collected in Australian dollars (AUD) on a 7-Point scale which was analyse by its midpoints. 4Mean Predicted score indicating level of agreement with statement from a Likert Scale (1 = strongly disagree, 2 = somewhat disagree, 3 = somewhat agree, 4 = strongly agree), aScore assignment was reversed. 5Mean frequency for a typical week was collected on a 6 or 7-Point scale which was analyse by its midpoint, with the maximum category being five or more times Per week. 6Rosenberg’s global self-esteem score (Low self-esteem = 0–14, Normal self-esteem = 15-25 and High self-esteem = 16-30). 7Perceived general health (Poor = 1, fair = 2, good = 3, very good = 4, excellent = 5).