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Table 5 Adolescent health promotion short form (AHP-SF)

From: Development and validation of the short-form adolescent health promotion scale


21. Make an effort to choose foods without preservatives (e.g., additives on food).a

1. I eat three meals daily.a

Life appreciation

2. I choose foods without too much oil.

22. Make an effort to like myself.a

3. Include dietary fiber (e.g. fruits or vegetables).

23. Make an effort to feel happy and content.a

4. Drink at least 1500 cc of water daily (or 6–8 cups).a

24. I usually think positively.

5. Each meal includes five food groups (e.g. bread, meat, milk, fruit, vegetable)

25. Make an effort to understand my strengths, weaknesses and accept them.a

6. Eat breakfast daily.a

26. Make an attempt to correct my defects.

Social support

27. Make an effort to know what’s important for me.

7. I speak up & share my feelings with others.

28. Make an effort to feel interesting and challenged every day.

8. I care about other people.

29. Make an effort to believe that my life has purpose.a

9. I talk about my concerns with others.


10. Make an effort to smile or laugh every day.a

30. Perform stretching exercise daily.a

11. Enjoy keeping in touch with relatives.a

31. Exercise rigorously 30 minutes at least 3 times per week.

12. Make an effort to have good friendships.

32. Participate in physical fitness class at school weekly.a

13. Talk about my troubles to others.a

33. Warm up before rigorous exercise.

Health responsibility

34. Make an effort to stand or sit up straight.

14. Read food labels when I shop.

Stress management

15. I watch my weight.

35. Make an effort to spend time daily for relaxation.a

16. Discuss my health concerns with a doctor or nurse.

36. Make an effort to determine the source of my stress.

17. Observe my body at least monthly.

37. Make an effort to watch my mood changes.a

18. Brush my teeth and use dental floss after meals.a

38. Sleep for 6–8 hours each night.a

19. Wash hands before meals.a

39. Make schedules and set priorities.

20. Read health information.a

40. I try not to lose control when things happen that are unfair.

  1. aItems to be removed based on the CFA.