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Table 2 Estimates of epidemiological parameters across response surfaces

From: A large-scale immuno-epidemiological simulation of influenza A epidemics









Latent period (days)

0.83 (0.40)

0.69 (0.35)

1.11 (0.34)

Incubation period (days)


2.14 (0.53)


Duration of infectivity (days)

5.17 (1.54)

5.87 (1.38)

3.71 (0.47)

Duration of symptoms (days)

4.18 (2.32)

4.18 (2.32)


Peak infectivity time (days)

2.10 (0.51)

2.00 (0.51)

2.29 (0.45)

Peak infectivity value

3.15 (0.31)

3.30 (0.22)

2.85 (0.23)

Peak symptoms time (days)

3.04 (0.58)

2.97 (0.60)

3.19 (0.51)

Peak symptoms score

0.86 (0.25)

0.99 (0.20)

0.60 (0.075)

  1. We estimate epidemiological parameters pertaining to duration and intensity of infectivity and symptoms by taking the average over 1 million randomly generated individuals, and assume all individuals have equal probability of same response to infection. We compute the average times for onset and resolution of infectivity and symptoms by computing when the trajectory crosses the thresholds S* and I* using linear interpolation, using symptoms threshold of S* = 0.717 and viral threshold of I* = 1.35.