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Table 3 Schematic overview of the ‘E-health4Uth Healthy Toddler’ intervention

From: Primary prevention of overweight in preschool children, the BeeBOFT study (breastfeeding, breakfast daily, outside playing, few sweet drinks, less TV viewing): design of a cluster randomized controlled trial

Steps according persuasion-

Element of the ‘Healthy


Age of the

communication model [[20]]

Toddler’ intervention



Attention for the health message

1st E-health module

- Assessment of four key behaviors

± 18 months

- Assessment of parenting behavior

- Feedback on four key behaviors, in comparison with recommendations

- Tailored advice, taking into account the four behaviors and parenting practices

Changing determinants and behavior:

Counseling with motivational interviewing technique

- Making parents aware of their child’s behavior

± 18 months

- Motivate parents to prevent overweight in their child

- Attitude

- Self-efficacy

- Stress the parents responsibility and importance of strict parenting

- Parenting behavior


- Motivate parents to change their parenting

- Discuss advantages of strict parenting

- Discuss potential barriers (e.g. time constraints)

- Improve self-efficacy

- Provide parenting skills:

- Setting rules, giving good examples, use praise and award, do not use food as a means of control

Maintain behavior change


- Reminder of tailored advice from E-Health module

± 18 months

- Positive feedback


2nd E-health module

- Assessment of four key behaviors

± 24 months

- Assessment of parenting behavior

- If behavior change was achieved, parents receive positive feedback. If not, parents receive tailored advice


2nd Counseling with motivational interviewing technique

- Assessment of behavior

± 24 months

- If behavior is improved, provide positive feedback. If not, repeat activities described in 1st counseling


2nd Reminder

- Reminder of tailored advice from E-Health module

± 24 months