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Table 2 The school environment

From: Changes in school environment, awareness and actions regarding overweight prevention among Dutch secondary schools between 2006–2007 and 2010–2011

Outcome variable1


Follow up




% (n)

% (n)1

Soft drink vending machine present at school

91 (170)

89 (167)

0. 59

Soft drink vending machines contain:


0. 02

More unhealthy than healthy drinks

53 (83)

45 (71)


Unhealthy and healthy drinks equally.

38 (60)

33 (52)


Less unhealthy than healthy drinks

9 (14)

22 (34)


Vending machine present at school that contains sweets /candy bars

81 (151)

79 (146)


Sweets/ candy bars vending machines contain:


0 .04

Mainly unhealthy foods

64 (80)

55 (69)


A good balance between unhealthy and healthy foods

37 (46)

41 (52)


Mainly healthy foods

0 (0)

4 (5)


Water cooler present at schools

12 (22)

33 (60)

<0. 0001

Vending machines present at school that contains fresh foods

11 (19)

11 (19)

0. 91

Canteen present at school

87 (161)

91 (170)

0. 03

Proportion of healthy and unhealthy foods present in the canteen:


0. 004

Mainly less healthy foods

14 (21)

9 (14)


More less healthy than healthy foods

34 (51)

27 (40)


Equal distribution of healthy and less healthy foods

31 (46)

28 (42)


More healthy than less healthy foods

14 (21)

28 (42)


Mainly healthy foods

8 (12)

9 (13)


Availability of specific healthy foods and/ or drinks 4


Drinking water offered in canteen and/or vending machine

60 (109)

71 (129)


Fresh fruits offered in canteens

26 (48)

34 (63)


Sandwiches offered in canteens

56 (104)

67 (124)


Salad offered in canteens

6 (10)

13 (21)


Availability of specific less healthy foods and/or drinks 4


Sugar sweetened soft drinks offered in canteen and/or vending machine

95 (174)

85 (156)


Milk and yoghurt drinks with added sugar offered in vending machines

16 (29)

28 (51)


Pizza slices offered in canteens

17 (31)



There is a supermarket, gas station or fast food restaurant in the neighborhoods of the school.

73 (127)

85 (148)

0. 003

There are facilities at and around the school property where the student can be physically active.

67 (120)

77 (138)

0. 04

Indicated percentage of students who walk to school or travel by bike ( median [Q1;Q3])3

80 [70; 90]

80 [70; 90]

0. 31

There is sufficient space for students to park their bikes at bike parks

85 (159)

95 (173)

0. 01

  1. 1% yes (n) or otherwise indicated.
  2. 2 P for change. Changes in dichotomous outcome variables are tested using conditional logistic regression. Changes in ordinal outcome variables are analyzed by linear regression analysis. All models are adjusted for (changes in) school level and school size. P-values below 0.05 are considered to be statistically significant.
  3. 3 Q1:first quartile, Q3: third quartile.
  4. 4 It was also queried whether other ‘less healthy foods’ like: sport drinks, fruit juices with added sugar, candy bars, sweets, cakes, fried snacks, Russian salad, ice creams crisps and other ‘healthy foods’ like: (fresh) fruit juices without added sugar, artificially sweetened soft drinks, rice cakes, soup, salad,yoghurt were offered in canteens or vending machines but no statistically significant change was observed.