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Table 1 Means, standard deviation, and range of airborne concentrations for methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), toluene, xylene and Stoddard solvent for the workplaces of the selected subjects from both paint making factories

From: Auditory dysfunction associated with solvent exposure


Mean (S.D)


MEK (n=15)

8.68 (11.39)

0.01- 32.5

Toluene (n=15)

13.69 (25.53)

0.01- 114.8

Xylene (n=15)

26.48 (41.86)

0.2- 173.1

Stoddard solvent (=15)

111.91 (236.63)

0.01- 1300

  1. n= number of records.
  2. Values are mg/m3.