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Table 2 Prevalence of STIs among HIV-infected women with and without STI symptoms or signs

From: Sexually transmitted infections among HIV-infected women in Thailand

Laboratory-diagnosed sexually transmitted infections

Number (%, 95% CI) of women (N = 1,124)

Number (%; 95% CI) with

Number (%; 95% CI) without



chlamydia or gonorrhea symptoms/signs*

chlamydia or gonorrhea symptoms/signs*


(n = 469) (41.7; 38.8-44.7)

(n = 655) (58.3; 55.3-61.2)



74 (6.6; 5.2-8.2)

43 (9.2; 6.7-12.1)

31 (4.7; 3.2-6.6)



11 (1.0; 0.5-1.7)

2 (0.4; 0.0-1.5)

9 (1.4; 0.6-2.6)



8 (0.7; 0.3-1.4)

3 (0.6; 0.1-1.9)

5 (0.8; 0.2-1.8)



17 (1.5; 0.9-2.4)

11 (2.3; 1.2-4.1)

6 (0.9; 0.3-2.0)


  Any laboratory-diagnosed STI 1

106 (9.4; 7.8-11.3)

58 (12.4; 9.5-15.7)

48 (7.3; 5.4-9.6 )


Sexually transmitted infections

Number (%; 95% CI) of women (N = 1,124)

Number (%; 95% CI) with STI

Number (%; 95% CI) without STI



symptoms/signs #

symptoms/signs #


(n = 526) (47.0; 43.8-49.8)

(n = 598) (53.0; 50.2-56.1)


  Genital ulcer disease

28 (2.5; 1.7-3.6)

28 (5.3; 3.6-7.6)

0 (0.0; 0.0-0.6)



74 (6.6; 5.2-8.2)

47 (8.9; 6.6-11.7)

27 (4.5; 3.0-6.5)



11 (1.0; 0.5-1.7)

3 (0.6; 0.1-1.7)

8 (1.3; 0.6-2.6)



8 (0.7; 0.3-1.4)

3 (0.6; 0.1-1.7)

5 (0.8; 0.3-1.9)



17 (1.5; 0.9-2.4)

12 (2.3;1.2-3.9)

5 (0.8; 0.3-1.9)


  Any STI2

133 (11.8; 10.0-13.9)

90 (17.1; 14.0-24.6)

43 (7.2;5.2-9.6 )


  1. 1 Gonorrhea by NAAT/Chlamydia by NAAT/Trichomoniasis by wet mount/laboratory confirmed syphilis.
  2. 2 Gonorrhea by NAAT/Chlamydia by NAAT/Trichomoniasis by wet mount /laboratory confirmed syphilis/genital ulcer or GUD.
  3. #STI symptoms or signs were defined as symptomatic vaginal discharge, urethral discharge, or lower abdominal pain or cervix examination (inflammation/pus/blood or other) or vaginal discharge on examination (white/yellow/green/other) or cervical motion tenderness during bimanual examination or genital wart, genital ulcer, genital lesions.
  4. *Chlamydia and gonorrhea symptoms or signs were defined as STI symptoms or signs except genital wart, genital ulcer, genital lesions.