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Table 1 Concentrations of iron in groundwater and HCC mortality and incidence ASRs by land subsidence levels 1

From: Geographic patterns of hepatocellular carcinoma mortality with exposure to iron in groundwater in Taiwanese population: An ecological study


Serious land subsidence

No serious land subsidence


Iron (mg/l)

1.04 ± 0.20

0.34 ± 0.05

< 0.001

HCC Mortality ASRs


61.35 ± 3.13

37.78 ± 1.05

< 0.001


16.86 ± 1.81

11.26 ± 0.37

< 0.001

HCC Incidence ASRs


62.11 ± 5.18

34.46 ± 1.29

< 0.001


15.24 ± 1.67

11.01 ± 0.57

< 0.001

  1. 1Township-specific concentrations of iron in groundwater are average values of daily measured in 1989; Township-specific HCC incidence and mortality ASRs during 1992–2001 are direct age-adjusted rates by 1979 WHO.