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Table 3 Perception of quality of service under the capitation payment system

From: Knowledge, perceptions and expectations of capitation payment system in a health insurance setting: a repeated survey of clients and health providers in Kumasi, Ghana

Quality variable

Greatly improved


Just okay



Staff availability (n = 804)

4 (0.5)

54 (6.7)

686 (85.4)

50 (6.2)

8 (1)

Staff reception (802)

18 (2.2)

210 (26.2)

472 (58.9)

88 (11.0

14 (1.8)

Service availability (n = 801)

10 (1.3)

42 (5.2)

674 (84.0)

58 (7.2)

18 (2.2)

Overcrowding (n = 802)

38 (4.7)

202 (25.2)

250 (31.2)

264 (32.9)

48 (6.0)

Benefit package (n = 800)

2 (0.3)

30 (3.8)

664 (83.0)

90 (11.3)

14 (1.8)

Cost of care (n = 800)

14 (1.8)

62 (7.8)

572 (71.5)

136 (17.0

16 (2.0)

Prompt access to care (n = 802)

8 (1.0)

100 (12.5)

364 (70.3)

110 (13.7)

20 (2.4)