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Table 1 Phases and activities in the PRORIVA small-scale intervention

From: A community intervention for behaviour modification: an experience to control cardiovascular diseases in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Community intervention phases and activities

Description of activities

Building trust


  Community leader meeting

Meetings for community leaders conducted separately for certain level of community leaders. Usually discuss how to solve the problem in their community and to socialize program

Public awareness


  Regular Public Meeting

A once a month meeting conducted separately among fathers and mothers usually discuss community problems and socialize program. In these meetings we communicated messages in every stage of intervention including health education and a forum to arise decision on non-smoking meeting.

Program development


  Team works meetings

A once a week meeting involving PRORIVA team, key person and health workers to design, implement and monitor the program

Community Organizing


  CVD information posts

Posts where people can access CVD risk factors screening, health counseling, and necessary referral to health service. These posts open regularly about 4 hours twice a week.

  Sunday Morning Walking

Walking together voluntarily for all people every Sunday after morning praying. Start with a short health speech, risk factors screening, walking for 30 minutes, ended with healthy refreshment.

  Weekly Exercise Group

Aerobic dancing groups, conducted once a week with local instructor, and mostly attended by mothers. Started with short health speech, risk factors screening and dancing for 30 minutes.

Initiation of maintenance


  Cooking Competitions

Competition between groups of ten-household-mothers to provide healthy cooking from certain raw materials, for example from soya.

  Aerobic Dancing Competitions

Competitions between self-arranged group consist of 4–10 people to perform aerobic dancing

  Health Speech Competitions

Competitions between health workers to deliver health message on CVD prevention

  Healthy Walking Competitions

Competitions for all people to perform moderate walking.

  Public festival

A public feast conducted to acknowledge the volunteers working for PRORIVA, and to announce the champions of competitions