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Table 3 Levels a of important predictors, and estimated effects of changes over time on birth weight (the regional cohort from 2001/2002 to 2009/2010, Oppland county)

From: Possible relation between maternal consumption of added sugar and sugar-sweetened beverages and birth weight – time trends in a population




Effect on birth weight (grams)b


mean (95% CI)

mean (95% CI)


PP-BMIc , kg/m 2

24.36 (24.19, 24.52)

24.85 (24.67, 25.03)


GWGd, kg (mean, 95% CI)

14.79 (14.57, 15.01)

13.86 (13.65, 14.06)


Gestational age, days (mean)

279.9 (279.6, 280.2)

279.2 (279.0, 279.5)



prevalence %

prevalence %


Proportion smoking (%)




Proportion diabetese (%)




Proportion multiparity (%)




Total effect of above exposures



  1. aFor continuous variables: effect sizes from multiple regression analyses (Table 2) were multiplied by actual changes in mean values. For dichotomous variables: difference in number of exposed (calculated on basis of the mean number in 2009/2010, i.e. 1650) multiplied by the effect size of the exposure variable (Table 2), and divided by the mean number of births during 2009/2010; bEstimated effect on difference in birth weight from 2001/2002 to 2009/2010; cPre-pregnancy body mass index; dGestational weight gain; eGestational diabetes included.