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Table 2 Description of overweight/obesity and acculturation markers among Portuguese immigrants

From: Acculturation, immigration status and cardiovascular risk factors among Portuguese immigrants to Luxembourg: findings from ORISCAV-LUX study


Portuguese 1st generation (n=196)

Portuguese 2nd generation (n=22)


Language proficiency % (n)



   Portuguese (n 121)

69.8 (118)

13.6 (3)


   French/German (n 70)

30.2 (51)

86.4 (19)


Length of residency/age (means ± SD)

0.45 ± 0.23



Acculturation score (means ± SD)

1.75 ± 0.59

3.86 ± 0.35


Overweight/obesity % (n)

69 (116)

45.5 (10)


  1. * P-value from X2 tests for categorical variables.