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Table 1 Selected data and assumptions on parameters used in the model (Coverage and costs)

From: Assessing health and economic outcomes of interventions to reduce pregnancy-related mortality in Nigeria


Baseline (%) [[13]]

Current use of family planning


·Any method


·Modern methods


·Unmet need


Antenatal care coverage


Treatment of anemia [20]


Total skilled delivery


Facility delivery


Home delivery with a skilled birth attendant


Estimates of costs under current standard of care ( 2008 US$ )

Model input [[21]]

Family planning


·Oral contraceptives


·Injectable contraceptives




·Intrauterine device


·Female sterilization


·Male sterilization


Pregnancy and delivery or abortion.


·Antenatal care (four visits) a


·Anemia treatment (based on severity)




−Post-abortion complications


−Elective abortion


Delivery b


·Home (TBA; SBA)

$7.99; $11.53

·Facility (birthing center; bEmOC; cEmOC)

$20.59; $35.00; $46.33

Postpartum care (one visit) c


Transportation d

$5.15 - $11.58

Management of complications e


·Obstructed labor

$23.63 - $109.96

·Maternal hemorrhage

$34.71 - $150.78

·Puerperal sepsis

$39.08 - $83.90

·Severe pre-eclampsia/eclampsia

$73.82 - $116.17

  1. Costs estimates were obtained from the UNFPA Reproductive Health Costing Model (RHTCM) [21], and WHO CHOICE public databases [22]. bEmOC = Basic Emergency Obstetric Care; cEmOC = Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric Care; TBA = Traditional Birth Attendant; and SBA = Skilled Birth Attendant. Details and methods for converting to 2008 US$ are provided in the Additional file 1.
  2. a Cost of prenatal care accrue from the following: Drugs (e.g. iron supplements and folic acid, tetanus toxoid, etc.), tests (blood group, hemoglobin, blood glucose, pregnancy test, Rapid Plasma Reagin test [syphilis], HIV test, Urinalysis, etc.), materials needed to safely administer the aforementioned drugs or conduct the tests, and personnel costs (nurse/midwife, Obstetrician and Lab technician) for about 4 antenatal visits [21].
  3. b Total cost reflects the skill of the attendant, level of facility, drugs and supplies. See the Additional file 1 for details.
  4. c Postpartum care includes examination, iron/folate supplement and counseling. The cost of post partum care accrue from drugs (iron supplements and folic acid) and personnel costs (nurse/midwife).
  5. d Transportation costs include those incurred from home to a referral facility (bEmOC or cEmOC), and those incurred between facilities when necessary [23]. See the Additional file 1 for details. The range for transportation costs encompasses cost of transport from home to a health facility (birthing center, bEmOC or cEmOC facility), and between health facilities (birthing center to bEmOC or cEmOC and bEmOC to cEmOC).
  6. e The range of costs to manage complications reflects varying severity levels and whether or not management requires a bEmOC or cEmOC facility.