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Table 3 The calculated multi-state probabilities for working in the 4-year follow-up, given the participants registered benefit or working at departure from the rehabilitation clinic

From: Multiple transitions in sick leave, disability benefits, and return to work. - A 4-year follow-up of patients participating in a work-related rehabilitation program

Benefit at departure

at 1 year

at 2 years

at 3 years

at 4 years


% (CI)

% (CI)

% (CI)

% (CI)


52.4 (46.0-59.1)

46.7 (40.4-53.1)

49.1 (43.0-55.1)

53.8 (48.2-60.1)

Partial sick-leave*

49.1 (37.1-61.4)

50.2 (35.5-65.0)

52.4 (35.6-69.2)

56.2 (33.1-80.9)

Full-time sick-leave

38.4 (18.0-59.1)

40.3 (26.1-54.5)

44.7 (24.4-65.0)

50.6 (27.1-74.5)

Medical rehabilitation

28.4 (20.2-37.1)

33.5 (22.3-45.1)

39.0 (22.6-55.4)

45.8 (18.1-74.2)

Vocational rehabilitation

15.6 (8.7-22.5)

25.1 (16.6-33.5)

36.0 (26.4-46.0)

45.9 (35.1-57.0)

Partial disability**

6.7 (0–17.3)

15.3 (3.7-27.1)

20.8 (10.1-31.4)

27.7 (16.6-39.1)

Time-limited disability***




0.1 (0.0-1.5)

Full-time permanent disability

0.1 (0.0-1.3)

6.3 (0.0-14.2)

6.3 (0.0-13.1)

8.3 (1.9-15.0)

  1. Percent and 95% Confidence Interval (CI) reported.
  2. # No registered benefits, * Partial sick-leave and partial medical rehabilitation allowance, ** Partial time limited disability pension and partial permanent disability pension, *** Time-limited disability pension was introduced in Norway in January 2004.