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Table 1 Definition of the formative evaluation components at three organizational levels, including methods for data collection

From: The design of a real-time formative evaluation of the implementation process of lifestyle interventions at two worksites using a 7-step strategy (BRAVO@Work)

4 Main aspects of the implementation process

Evaluation component

Definition of evaluation component at relevant organizational levels

Data collection method



Management level



Sources and procedures used to approach and attract worksites and management to become effective participants of the project


Project group level

Monitoring, questionnaire, interviews


Sources and procedures used to approach and attract PG and WG members to become effective program members


Employee level

Monitoring, questionnaire, interviews


Sources and procedures used to approach and attract employees for participation in BRAVO-interventions to become effective participants




Project group level

Monitoring, interviews


Proportion of employees who were approached as PG or WG member


Employee level



Proportion of employees who were approached for participation in BRAVO-interventions


Dose delivered

Management level



Providing the 7-step strategy to worksites and PG and WG members


Project group level

Monitoring, questionnaire, interviews


Proportion of intended BRAVO-interventions delivered or provided to employees by PG and WG


Dose Received

Project group level



Proportion of companies and PG and WG members who received the 7-step implementation strategy


Employee level

Monitoring, questionnaire, interviews


Proportion of employees who participated in each BRAVO-intervention



Project group level

Monitoring, questionnaire, interviews


- Compliance to the 7 steps of the implementation strategy by Steering committee and PG

-Compliance of PG to project implementation plan and quality of implementation of BRAVO-interventions



Management level



Opinion/satisfaction about the project


Project group level

Questionnaire, interviews


Opinion/satisfaction about the 7-step strategy


Employee level

Questionnaire, interviews


Opinion/satisfaction about BRAVO-interventions




Management level

Monitoring, questionnaire, interviews


Extend to which the developed BRAVO-interventions and 7-step strategy become routine and part of everyday culture and norms of the organization including the degree to which BRAVO-interventions are continued.




All levels




Determinants of implementation which can either hinder or facilitate the implementation of the 7-step strategy and BRAVO-interventions. These determinants are subdivided within 4 main categories:

questionnaire, interviews


1. Characteristics of the socio-political context


2. Characteristics of the organization


3. Characteristics of the innovation


4. Characteristics of the adopting person/user

  1. *PG = project group.
  2. *WG = working group.