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Table 2 Application of the theory of planned behaviour to feeding healthy food to kids randomized controlled trial

From: Study protocol of a parent-focused child feeding and dietary intake intervention: the feeding healthy food to kids randomised controlled trial

Theoretical component

FHFK application

FHFK component (measurement tool)

Personal beliefs + evaluation = attitude towards behaviour

· Personal beliefs about feeding children

· RC parent interviews (LSAC, CFQ)

· TR modules 1, 2, 3, 4 (ATES) and RC child feeding section

· Personal evaluation of children’s dietary intake

· RC parent interviews (LSAC, CFQ

· Attitude towards child feeding


Normative beliefs + motivation to comply with norms = Subjective norm

· Normative beliefs about child feeding

· RC celebrity parent interviews

· RC child section - feedback, fussy eating, encouragement, consistency (CFQ, LSAC)

· Normative beliefs about children’s dietary intake

· Motivation to comply with dietary guidelines

· TR modules 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10 (ATES, CFQ)

Perceived behavioural control and behavioural intention

· Perceived control over child feeding and intention to change child feeding or the dietary intake of children

· TR Module 7 (Fussy eating) RC child section for parental efficacy (LSAC) and child feeding (CFQ)

  1. TR = Tummy Rumbles, RC = Raising Children DVD, LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children,
  2. CFQ = Child Feeding Questionnaire, ATES = Australian Toddler Eating Survey Food Frequency Questionnaire.