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Table 1 South African food-based dietary guidelines approved by Department of Health as a health promotion tool

From: Evidence to support a food-based dietary guideline on sugar consumption in South Africa

Food-based dietary guideline

Underlying reason for guideline

Enjoy a variety of foods

Protection against micronutrient deficiencies

Be active

Prevention of non-communicable diseases

Make starchy foods the basis of most meals

Emphasising that carbohydrates also play a role. Also prevention of under-nutrition

Eat dry beans, peas, lentils and soya regularly

Affordable source of protein and minerals

Chicken, fish, milk, meat or eggs can be eaten daily

Promoting sources of animal protein and contributing to iron and calcium needs

Drink lots of clean safe water

To maintain healthy body hydration

Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables every day

For prevention of non-communicable diseases and micronutrient deficiencies. A

Eat fats sparingly

Prevention of non-communicable diseases

Use salt sparingly

Prevention of hypertension

Use food and drinks containing sugar sparingly and not between meals

Prevention of dental caries

If you drink alcohol, drink sensibly

Prevention of chronic alcoholism and micronutrient deficiencies