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Table 3 Distributions (%) by combination of childhood (traditional/non-traditional) and adulthood (traditional/non-traditional); p-values for chi-square tests regarding the distribution of women and men, in the four combinations of childhood/adulthood position, for the four indicators of gendered life

From: The importance of childhood and adulthood aspects of gendered life for adult mental ill-health symptoms – a 27-year follow-up of the Northern Swedish Cohort

Adulthood gender: Childhoodgender:

Ideology age 30: Traditional

Ideology age 30: Non-traditional

Childcare age 30: Traditional

Childcare age 30: Non-traditional

Partnership age 42: Traditional

Partnership age 42: Non-traditional

Childcare age 42: Traditional

Childcare age 42: Non-traditional


Women: 8.0 Men: 16.5

Women: 43.2 Men: 33.0

Women: 36.1 Men: 25.7

Women: 15.5 Men: 22.2

Women: 11.9 Men: 8.0

Women: 39.1 Men: 39.2

Women: 29.2 Men: 10.5

Women: 22.8 Men: 36.5


Women: 10.2 Men: 17.9

Women: 38.6 Men: 32.6

Women: 30.8 Men: 26.8

Women: 17.6 Men: 25.4

Women: 11.3 Men: 8.5

Women: 37.7 Men: 44.3

Women: 26.7 Men: 15.0

Women: 21.3 Men: 38.1



n = 970


n = 625


n = 746


n = 777

p-value chi-square women/men distribution:


< 0.001






< 0.001