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Table 1 Key terminology

From: High heterogeneity of HIV-related sexual risk among transgender people in Ontario, Canada: a province-wide respondent-driven sampling survey

Core gender

one’s individual and core sense of being male or female, both or neither


refers to individuals whose gender identity is consistent with the gender they were assigned at birth

Female-to-male spectrum (FTM)

a trans man or a female-to-male transsexual or transgender person or a genderqueer person along the masculine spectrum

Gender spectrum

refers to the fact that gender occurs on a spectrum, rather than as discrete categories; an individuals’ sense of core gender may fall at varying points along that spectrum

Genderqueer persons

refers to people whose gender identities fall outside of the normative and binary female or male

Male-to-female spectrum (MTF)

a trans woman or a male-to-female transsexual or transgender person or a genderqueer person along the feminine spectrum

Medical transition status

the extent to which one has undergone a process of medically transitioning through use of hormones and/or surgeries to allow biological sex to more closely align with one’s core gender

Social transition status

the extent to which one has changed the gender in which they live their day-to-day life to better align with their core gender; may involve changing a name, using a new pronoun, and/or changing gender-specific aspects of one’s social presentation


describes people who vary from conventionally prescribed gender norms


refers to a person who identifies with a gender that is “opposite to” that assigned to them at birth

Transitioned people

refers to those who identify simply as men or women with a medical history of transitioning sex, and no longer personally identify as transgender or transsexual

Trans people

an umbrella term for a diverse group of people including transsexual, transgender, transitioned, genderqueer, and some Two-Spirit people, whose gender identity or expression differs from societal norms


refers to North American Indigenous peoples who identify with elements of both male and female gender roles found in many traditional cultures; some but not all will identify along a trans spectrum