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Table 1 Measures for children and parents

From: Targeting children of substance-using parents with the community-based group intervention TRAMPOLINE: A randomised controlled trial - design, evaluation, recruitment issues

Target variable - CHILD


Socio-demographic characteristics



SPPC - Self Perception Profile for Children (German version) [51, 52]

Physical stress symptoms

SSK - Fragebogen zur Erhebung von Stresserleben & Stressbewältigung im Kindesalter [53]

Questionnaire for perception of stress and stress management in childhood

Subscale: physical stress symptoms

Quality of relationship between parent and child

Own development: questions on a thermometer-scale in regard to closeness vs. distance and harmony vs. conflict

Parental drug and addiction problems

CAST 6 - German Children of Alcoholics Screening Test [54, 55]

Knowledge on alcohol, drugs, and substance use problems

Own development

Stress and coping

SSKJ 3-8 - Fragebogen zur Erhebung von Stresserleben & Stressbewältigung im Kindes- und Jugendalter [56]

Questionnaire for perception of stress and stress management in childhood and adolescence

Mental distress caused by parental substance use

Own development

Expectations of self-efficacy

WIRKALL-r - Psychometrische Skala zur Allgemeinen Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung (SWE) - für Kinder adaptierte Version [57, 58]

Psychometric scale for general expectation of self-efficacy - adapted version for children

Adaptation of a scale used for measuring self-efficacy in the family [59, 60]

Health-related quality of life

KIDSCREEN-27 - Health related quality of life questionnaire for children and young people and their parents [61, 62]

Target variable - PARENT


Socio-demographic characteristics


Psychological stress

Symptom checklist SCL-27-plus [63]

Parental substance use problems

Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) [64, 65]

Parental use of further substance-related aid

Own development

Parental sensitivity for the effects of substance use problems on children and children's need

Own development

General parenting behaviour

ZKE-E - Kurzfragebogen zur Erfassung elterlicher Erziehungshaltungen [66]

Brief questionnaire for perception of child-raising behaviour (parent version)

Quality of relationship between parents and child

Own development: questions on a thermometer-scale in regard to closeness vs. distance and harmony vs. conflict

Self-confidence in parenting skills

Fragebogen zum Kompetenzgefühl von Eltern (FKE) [67]

Questionnaire for parental feelings of competence

Child behavioural difficulties

SDQ-D-German (Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire, German version) [68, 69]

Stress management strategies of

the child

SSKJ 3-8 - Fragebogen zur Erhebung von Stresserleben & Stressbewältigung im Kindes- und Jugendalter [56]

Questionnaire for perception of stress and stress management in childhood and adolescence